For details of my exhibitions, please click on BIO.
Through my images I aim to raise questions, open out new perceptions, and explore possibilities of new perspectives. I hope to reveal what may be hidden from our conscious awareness. I view each photograph as a poem and some of my images can be read as metaphors. Many of my photographs focus on experiences of suffering, social marginalisation and discrimination, and forms of resistance.
As an arts activist and a relational psychotherapist I also aim, through my images, to engage viewers with the possibility of discovering new languages for the complexities of their own suffering and their strengths. This can enhance their responses to the vulnerabilities of others. The development of such attunement can generate resourcefulness and the courage to challenge structures of oppression, inequality, and discrimination which constrain and divide us, individually and collectively, consciously and unconsciously.
I have always been committed to showing my art work in community-based contexts. My hope is that the accessibility of art to a wider diversity of people can contribute to the growth of an awareness which is productive of social and political change.
Please click on the images on each page to view the titles and/or an enlargement.
©Mary Lynne Ellis 2024