identities lived in time
Ladbroke Grove: Skin
Walking over a railway bridge in Ladbroke Grove I am fascinated by the wearing down and replacing of paint, the shreds of posters, pasted invitations to local events, music, meetings, and to political action, and fragments of graffiti. These are the handwritings of diverse communities, voicing histories. The lived dynamism of identities, the interweaving of cultures, in which we are each differently and uniquely situated, is inscribed in our aging skins. Skin is the fine tissue, the interface of our being in the world, distinguishing us and created by the multiple meanings attributed to and absorbed by it.

Knockadoon, East Cork, Ireland
“(in action) the spatiality of our body is brought into being…movement is not limited to submitting passively to space and time, it actively assumes them, it takes them up in their basic significance which is obscured in the commonplaceness of established situations” (Merleau-Ponty, 1945). Paddy’s old boat encompasses the history of his particular relation to the vicissitudes of the sea, its tides, its fish, the weather, the global economy, and to all of those who fished before him, with him, and since he set down his oars for the last time.

©Mary Lynne Ellis 2024